Student is again the most important part of Smart Cookie system.
Teacher rewards his students by giving Green colored points. Student can earn rewards on various curricular and co curricular activities.
In return student can also thank his teacher for various reasons like his dedication, humorous, cooperative, trustworthy, etc. by assigning blue points.
The dashboard of student contains list of the teachers with subjects taught by them and generate coupons using reward green points.
There are logs of reward points, used coupons, self motivation and assigned points.
Log of used and unused coupons of sponsor and smart cookie coupons are also maintained.
If student wants more points other than given by school admin then he has to purchase it from cookie admin in the form of gift card voucher. This voucher has unique card number. The gift card has validity.
Student can share his rewards (green points) with friends. By doing this the green points from his account will be deducted and will get add to his friend’s green point log.
Students have two choices to use their green points-
1. Convert green points to generate coupons and redeem them to avail discounts on food products/travel etc
2. Use green points for purchasing soft rewards. For example, if a student wants to make his profile strong then he would use his points to purchase star/trophy/crown and add to his profile.
Students can earn green points by following 3 ways-
1. When teacher gives rewards to his students on the basis of activities and subjects
2. Purchase points from cookie admin
3. Online presence
4. Students can request green points to coordinator
The student coordinator has 2 major tasks-
1. He can assign points to students in his class on behalf of the teacher who have assigned him the role. The assigned points will be deducted from teacher’s balance green points account.
2. Students from his class can request the coordinator for green points.
If a student is student coordinator then he will get requests from his classmates for points and coordinator and he can request to teacher on behalf of the other students. And if student is not a coordinator then he can request to his coordinator for points.
The list of subjects undertaken by student with subject code, semester, branch and teacher name is mentioned on both web and app.
Student can update his profile.
Leaderboard of top 10 students by school/college, duration, subjects name and activity name.