
HomeUncategorizedA Brief about Smart Cookie Student – Teacher Rewards Program

A Brief about Smart Cookie Student – Teacher Rewards Program


Student -Teacher Reward program “SMART COOKIE“. is FREE of COST platform for colleges and candidates, its a ZERO COST online platform for the benefits of college and students.

What is SmartCookie? :

SamrtCookie is online platform designed to reward Student -Teacher . This Student-Teacher Reward program is a mobile app as well asweb based online tool/platform to reward the students & teachers’ community with some points on every instance of good work in Education with co-curricular & extracurricular activities. In this project we are trying to develop an environment where Teachers and Students will give Real-Time reward points to each other for various activities where this points can also be shared.

Benefits to college’s Students & Teachers:

All registered students/teachers & staff can be part of this reward program where particular points will be allocated through college authorities to all users. The point converted into coupons and redeemed at thousands of sponsors outlets for freebies and discounts. We will be having sponsors like McDonalds, CCD, Barista, etc  soon. Already 140 + sponsors are added in our list from various sectors  Garments, food, technology etc.  Also depending upon the points exchanges and activities ,from every college the best students/teachers will be announced on smartcookie platform on regular basis.

Cost/Charges to College: 

Its a FREE platform for colleges. There are NO charges for students/teachers/college in this activity anywhere.

How to register your college  ?:

Please send the confirmation mail to with your confirmation to join Smartcookie OR call at our helpdesk on +91-7219193815 and we will share the details of registration process.

Lets start rewarding.

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